Saturday, November 28, 2009

Kates Playround The Rabbit

Per un pulito che uccide

Sul remake del pezzo “Fever” di Sarah Vaughan, lo spot della DeLonghi delinea uno spaccato casalingo distopico, e in quanto tale, perverso. Potremmo catalogarlo assieme a tutti gli altri spot in cui la piacevolezza del vivere in un'abitazione pulita e ordinata si tramuta nell'ossessione per la pulizia: quella delle case iperigienizzate, delle case-ospedali, i non luoghi dei nostri peggiori incubi.
In un ambiente dove pareti eccessivamente bianche e riflettenti appiattiscono qualsiasi calore umano, e i soggetti animati hanno valenza di componenti d'arredo, non c'è da sorprendersi se gli unici indizi di vita vissuta siano i resti delle patatine disseminati sul pavimento.
Ma ad inorridire lo spettatore con un minimo di sensibilità è l'essere biomeccanico dalle sembianze femminili che sia aggira per casa con fare minaccioso, imbracciando, a mo' di bazooka, una scopa elettrica, la sua naturale estensione fisica. Siamo di fronte a un terminator in gonna, camicia e gilet: rappresenta il trinomio madre-moglie-bella donna in carriera.
Se lavatrice, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, have allowed contemporary women emancipation from the most tiring and long housework, using the DeLonghi Columbine seems to sum up in himself the power and duty dichotomy. In fact, as the housewife bionic exercising power over her husband and little children, who still have the sofa with safety belts so as not to be drawn because of the power of the vacuum cleaner, the same home is required (almost to an unhealthy need) to exercise his duties as a "cleaning lady" whenever the crumbs fall to the ground, which is probably very common when you have very young children in the family.
But we like to think that everything can not be true, and especially should not be. We like to think that suddenly the vacuum cleaner is activated automatically through the blue flash of his eye Polyphemus and aspirations in a flurry sanitizing the ectoplasmic family, caught unprepared for the terrible event, as they would in a review of the film Ghostbusters. At this point can only hope that the bag tightly closed in commonly goes though, because everything is recyclable in the compost to form excellent breeding ground for our gardens. The flowers thank you.
the background of a utopian future in which will be dismantled nuclear weapons is still the benchmark that, in any case, the conflicts there are and will always be evil or good that needs to be changed the rules of engagement and the means of offense and defense. We are confident that if the third world war (in the absence of existing weapons of mass destruction) will be fought with the Magimix Columbine, the fourth will be with cold steel, with sturdy brooms and wooden pallets, with all due respect for those who will not be provided with of these technological wonders.