Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How Does Parkinsons Disease Effetc Cell

Spot Pfizer

Tvsintegro vi presenta la prima contribuzione audio/video del blog da parte di un ascoltatore!

Ringraziamo l'Ing.Altobelli e confidiamo che questi episodi di interazione attiva diventino sempre più contagiosi!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Thankyou Letter To Football Coach

Vite scontatissime

Come nel corso delle grandi catastrofi, a fronte dello spreco e del disastro può manifestarsi un'allettante contropartita, godibile solo nel caso in which, innocent spectators, survived the cataclysm and pinning an enviable personal testimony to our curriculum, to replicate the exploits of Pliny the Elder spectator of the destruction of Pompeii, we'll look at this spot, in real time by studying the individual faces of economic power slipping dangerously as fronts of huge glaciers, accepting totalitarian temptations, moving each in turn his first steps into uncharted territory of ideology, the concrete manifestation of the power to transform every service provider, giving him enough time and space, in a ' moral authority of some kind cursed. It snows in the interior, the weather invade the living human artifacts in favor of camera, the mixing is necessary to the poetic transfiguration, if we include in the poem, by definition, even grosser manifestations, those who snatch licenses to reality, the metrics and language arm of cognitive consonance dangerous concepts that is very generous definition childish contradictions . Attracted by the smoke and mirrors that are the products owl, consumers poured into the lane no longer seek only the canned corn, bundles of mineral water and roast chickens: short infernal now emptied of production and consumption are around unmotivated and confused, knowing what to believe advertising suggestion, in the impossible attempt to compensate for the existential boredom that under natural conditions is beneficial to suicide. An immense xilophono captain in the launch of a big band crooner confidential, an unlikely St. Bernard, with the proverbial sixth sense of animals, and presages trolling the lady at the event, the kids smile at the wrong as usual, the pilot decided to operate the electric window for better sight the source of bewilderment. But, invisible and non-diegetic, does not reach a reviving Sinatra, but a dinosaur that is grafted on the introduction of Italian singer-songwriter with a trademark jazzy style bickering and, on a series of free Slowmo, with fiery curls banality guttural timbre and disarming of a mangy lion circus intention to stand out a low shot fly. Hoarse voice and his father, originally intended to treat with the Citaro heritage of popular wisdom, now a relic fonogenico discography cleverly camouflaged, accompanied by a lobotomized essential terminology, the singer's regime tries to clear the place of anonymity to crafting excellence sonic illusion, a Retrofuturo Winking commitment of the 60 left / 70 all guitar and participation, an impossible dissenting voice redolent of its original vision of the world, unfortunately also downloaded with the mule approved line by a truck at the end of a long journey between canned and pallets of bags of sugar in a kilogram, finally conferred on a mini stage Wheel included in the price, until the area stress / crostini with olive oil offered to clients by the hostess in electric blue suit. Send "tip down like snow desert open spaces to decorate the congested lanes of products, brings up multi-purpose categories of good and evil, comforting in the same way the neo-Nazi, the donor organ, the rapist serial, the educator, the migrant, the mother, the drug dealer of heroin, the psychogeography, the priest, the gnome, artificial intelligences, small pets, bloggers, the Heads of State and asphalts. They are all they who have to form a surreal and sweet body dancing, shaking her umbrella for a non-existent snow that could only suggest the denial of an external world as the only possible continuous space, for pushing to a lifestyle in which the claustrophobic feeling of panic dominates the mutation of a minimum of variables Environmental ordered in a row and guardian of its order, the consumer Christmas is ready to stab anyone who steals the spot with a comet in plastic 12-volt power, and not for actual malice, but for an unsatisfied desire for violence had to be channeled in hysteria Cheap proposed by routine pre-retirement. Finished product of bad music and bad storytelling, the buyer can only bask in the visions of zombies maximalist and surface, must go to the wheel, can not do without it, on pain of withdrawal symptoms. Must object to white christmas white powder, or narcotic drug, art and parasintomatica harmless trincerante, invigorating, subject to the core logic of the market. Until he blows into the breath of life, will only reach out on the shelf and be convinced, and there will always be someone to sing the good reasons of the nightmare, the father synthetic christologically dismembered in the web electromagnetic pervading the atmosphere above the tissue and urban, a complaisant whisper, really, just as if hell was laughing through the mouth of a donkey.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Mid Cycle Bleeding Post Ablation

Dolcezza siderale

The Italian company committed more pervasively in the popular imagination of shoppers with its allegorical transfiguration reassuring and certainly could not have missed their warm wishes, and we, as avid consumers of confectionery delicacies, we are forced to repay such attention, we would like to get even with an apparatus as technical and aesthetic power, but instead we find ourselves, desertified, hurling invectives like pieces of furniture thrown from the walls of a fort cruel individual under siege For forty years, hatching her deep desire that the habit Christmas so elegant machine yields to the blows of our imaginative arsenal, the place ransacked and looted by the contemplation permanent, but still able to provide arguments are strong enough to be forgiven for being heterogeneous and scratch. The quality of biscuits and images Barilla is very high, the two go hand in hand, the problem is indeed just that the grandeur of these spots just irritated at the lack of a sense of limits, for the disproportionate sense of beauty and texture purpose, for a giant of products that produce the powerful suggestion of a better world preclude the attainment of that for a delirious osmosis aimed at draining the meanings of reality. As well as the diverse array of stars at distances and do not belong to a real volume of shared space deceive the eye and makes us see the constellations of the firmament, the extrusions of the popular biscuit emerge from a sky effectively marketed through its inability to draw things in perspective. We divide the entire video in its entirety, storyboards, casting, photography, lighting, post-production, dubbing, copyright, computer equipment, acting, an impressive team effort is intended to survive the family as a terminally ill patient in need of each these elements to appear on the screen in a convincing way, the only real concrete sensory horizon of the future consumer of chocolate chip cookies, discrete space perfectly normato e gestibile, suddiviso in pixel che ammorbidiscono le spigolosità con il filtro anti-alias della sospensione dell'incredulità. Rappresentare è uccidere, sottrarre, togliere potenza ai simboli e quanto più magniloquente è la rappresentazione tanto più un fantasma emerge dalle immagini, una necessità di senso spettrale e sottointesa, ma alla voce suadente che chiede di lasciare che i pargoli vadano a lei, dentro a noi rispondono urla agghiaccianti: no, il futuro non può essere solo nelle vostre tasche perché avete i mezzi per raffigurarlo, e non si parla di semplice boicottaggio del canale comunicativo, la rappresentazione di taglio cinematografico è una violazione narrativa, è un crimine psicologico, è a perversion because it is directed at issues not so problematic as to suspect that their lives should live moral redundancy, of respectability, conformity, blind trust in the industrial bowels of cylindrical pipes designed to give us food, interior approval of a success story arrembante very cornerstone of repeated rant barillesco. As long as the carbohydrate is successful, continue to remain on the ideological firmanento individual, a geostationary satellite to which turn your dish, an outrage to the imagination, a return to the baroque and kitsch that equates the economic power of the privilege of being able to represent reality. Fueled by easy availability of power, not only the logos and derivatives, but even the logo of each product has a way of personifying good wishes, hurling the little family in a scenario such as superlative unreachable, inaccessible magic artificial copyrighted work that remains unique in fact, perfect, and then absolutely dead. The man is gone, overwhelmed by a vault that is no more heavenly, the only resource is a fantastic flash-forward where archaeologists will laugh at the pomposity of an advertising media circuit so hopelessly anchored to the "values", and study the proliferation of a monopoly that has become disproportionately mercelogico communicative, obscene a single product that can no longer trust what invade, condition of the child advocate, unmotivated promulgator drowsiness and mental stagnation, at best entrepreneurial reality so cumbersome to have to please fideists inclinations and patriotic, a company obliged to provide, as well as baked goods, the fucking answers to existential strife of 'Italian. Together with storyteller and priests of common sense expect to see him sooner or later, grotesquely clumsy pandistelle a biological double-breasted, to sit on a chair in the parlor, without a real brain from which the development could germinate a brain, final biscuit, being loose and rotting from the spotlight, dressed as a businessman, committed to communicating with a text-to-speech and a remote-controlled speaker hidden busy to ask to be desired, purchased, consumed, Cast and loved.