Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Animated Shoes Images

Tvsintegro - Capitolo 4

Spot examined:
• • spot_162_colluttorio_listerine
• • • spot_165_rasoi_gillette
• • • spot_168_assorbenti_lines_perla
• • spot_170_truffe_legalizzate_lotto
• • spot_172_alimentari_kinder
• • • spot_175_paytv_skyhd

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Note: As some of you will have noticed, many spots of Christmas in December 2008 have been recycled and re-transmitted over This in December 2009. Rattle the glasses, the manifestation of this symptom of the strategic retreat of the "hidden persuaders." It is therefore, as a supplement to the comment of the new commercials, what has been said on the spot recycled last year (See here Tvsintegro - Chapter 3 )

Cruise Jobs For Couples


The augmented reality to which we already talked W. Gibson in his novel "Virtual Light" in 1993 starts to make an appearance thanks to the leaps and bounds made by the branch of computer science called pattern-recognition, an area of \u200b\u200bresearch intended to populate the world of tag ever would have imagined, and then categorize reality and riproporcela through innovative human-machine interfaces, perhaps reaching that total detachment from reality as technology trans-humanist nirvana. Before becoming the Matrix cine-liturgy of a dystopian future and a stuffed Keanu Reeves is buried in a mausoleum as it was fatto con il tovarish Lenin, bisognerà fare i conti con i primi goffi approcci commerciali, costretti alle esemplificazioni più triviali per spiegare una tecnologia nuova e sconosciuta agli ascoltatori. Tutti i vari spot di Nintendo DS convergono a quest'idea di prova su strada tradotta direttamente in reclamizzazione per il suo contenuto di novità (ricordate i primi innocenti spot sul park assist, o l'abuso del termine "virtuale" durante l'esplosione della New Economy negli anni '90?), ed anzi l'adesione dello spot alla performance del prodotto è tanto fedele quanto imbambolata: nel produrre una casistica empirica l'oggettino se ne esce infatti vagamente bruciato. Quello che poteva essere un interessante babelfish diventa un gadget per nerd unable to undertake a cultural experience all round. The Japanese steel, and mentioned at every turn as a paradigm of diversity, unhappy revival of instrumental quell'orientalismo so dear to the inhabitants of the Old World, the brilliant portrayal fantozziana remain the same. Hugh and Miss Silvani, this time, thanks to Nintendo trying to get along better, avoiding contact with food, ideas, and maybe life practices hard earned over an evening. Japan is a huge chicken leg in the western mind, the lack of communication you want relegated solely to the language, idioms untranslatability is not even considered, in osservanza ad un dispotismo che vede la parola come referente assoluto degli oggetti della realtà e non secondo la rivelatoria massima "il linguaggio è poesia fossile" di R. W. Emerson: le parole, il significato delle quali diamo per assodato, sono unicamente metafore assodate, rimandanti a loro volta ad altre metafore, in una catena senza fine. Non esistendo una traduzione indenne agli accidenti di vocabolari costruiti empiricamente, i due commensali, a causa di un bug del software, ordineranno per errore una generosa porzione di Fugu, il velenosissimo pesce palla per il quale il cliente del ristorante firmerà a casaccio la liberatoria mentre gioca a Tetris, salvo perdere la partita per le successive contrazioni spasmodiche indotte dalle neurotossine appena ingerite assieme alle carni della prelibatezza tipica. Ma anche dando per buona la creazione di software sempre più semantici e precisi, a cosa si ridurrebbe l'utente se non a quel fantasma intrappolato nella "Stanza Cinese" che da paradossale teorema dell'indimostrabilità della coscienza diventerebbe un diabolico test di Turing in cui al vero uomo non è permesso distinguersi dalla macchina pensante? Attenderemo la diffusione di questo gioiellino della tecnologia per rendercene conto, mentre Microsoft sviluppa Photosynth e in tutto il mondo fotografi dilettanti pubblicano in Rete immagini dotate di coordinate GPS. Attenderemo per non renderci conto che i cambiamenti tecnologici, o almeno quelli degni di questo nome, di solito influenzano la nostra vita ancor prima di manifestarsi concretamente con una faccia amica.

Battery Lsd Performance Review

Miglior non-protagonista

Come in passato fece la saga di spot del Prosciutto di Parma, il setting del supermercato ci consegna un'altra perla di autocoscienza pubblicitaria, e diventa luogo privilegiato di quello che potremmo definire commedia sofisticata dell'advertising, una sit-com in cui i ruoli sono ormai indiscussi, e si specula sulle interazioni cliente-fornitore in chiave leggera e disincantata, parodistica, volutamente grottesca, e quindi paradossalmente più veritiera. Ben lungi dal porsi come punto di partenza di una riflessione, la ponderosa forma di grana si sottovaluta, eleggendo disproportionately to the incredulous customer champion unmotivated, and going to roll out a red carpet in front of the surreal which is hailed dall'ottusità all other consumers. Oxygen for intelligence sap from the traditional modus operandi of advertising, a factory of auto-founding propositions hysterically stretched to the projection of the object in a world of values \u200b\u200bfar out of reach (and out of time). Newsboys as the counter market, a multitude of commercials claim credibility and attention sight unseen, by providing segments of reality, which speak only if you believe that "transparent film", which excludes the out field facilitates the vision and perception, because it is not allows cognizione. Su questa potente corrente ascensionale di presunzione e protervia qualsiasi declinazione ironica veleggia senza sforzo, appoggiandosi alla forza bruta di consuetudini reiterate tristemente, e consegna un messaggio dotato di quel briciolo di naturalezza in più che non va in cerca dello svilimento mentale dell'ascoltatore. Lo speaker cita più volte la "verità" del prodotto, e dato che in una pubblicità diamo per scontato che questa non possa esistere, siamo costretti a prenderla come un'affermazione trasversale: all'ascoltatore non si vuole spacciare una verità, ma soltanto un armistizio che faccia deporre le armi dell'indagine e metta da parte in blocco la fallace tensione verificatrice dell'advertising. Così com'è that can not just grab a box of shredded cheese to start a ceremony complete with triumphant horns, paparazzi and bodyguards, is unlikely to be true that star-system that lives right in this superficial phenomenology. The development in the field of conflict, in short, cut out all the persuasive marketing mechanism to the first level to establish a (hypothetical) conversation between two new top-level players: the listener and the advertiser caught in its urgency, rather than the 'listener and an inanimate object pushed onto the stage buff. Setting out a television to speak of truth is smiling like a magician who shows us his tricks: the necessary technical alla performance è dichiaratamente concreta e onerosa (il prestigiatore, per giocarci, deve essere molto bravo), e la meraviglia che proviamo è dovuta al fatto che ci inganni in virtù di un'illusione perfettamente "tangibile" (il prestigiatore non tira in ballo il sovrannaturale, se non in modo farsesco). Ovviamente non basta questa piccola concessione a stabilire una condotta virtuosa dell'inserzionista: lo spot è costato un investimento, si spera che produca un incremento delle vendite, quindi, per quanto raffinato, è un artificio finalizzato a creare una realtà alternativa, un maggior valore di scambio, un valore aggiunto, e tutto questo avviene non appena un qualsiasi prodotto si costituisce in marchio e necessita di communicative abstraction (ie always). Is it any wonder rather is that only a small minority of the mechanism to use this advertising ploy constantly practiced by hucksters, entertainers and politicians. It makes you think that this happens to a lack of preparation by the audience: to afford a touch of amused self-criticism should be prepared to not take itself too seriously, but this can only occur in those who do not consistently take around himself. In a society frightened, harassed, threatened by a constant psychological warfare that is still the old-fashioned practice of carrot and stick approach, which leads to the inevitable corollary of a jumble of busy spot in the foundation of effimere mitologie pre-razionali, ed estranei a qualsiasi concept in grado di generare il più blando dei processi mentali in chi li dovrà visionare.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Waistcoat Cravat Wedding

È tutto oro quel che luccica

Primissimi piani seguono le fasi di assemblaggio del cioccolatino, sottolineando l'esclusività degli ingredienti utilizzati grazie ad una retorica basata sull'irresistibile ritmo del tre, mentre close-up disperati cercano di scagionare una volta per tutte i misteriosi contenuti dell'alimento da ogni forma di sospetto, trasformando il processo di lavorazione dello stesso in una vera e propria incarnazione ricca di magia, narrata tramite una slow motion che ingigantisce ulteriormente objects of the recovery, by virtue of the effect that oversampling miniaturization gravity and surface tension of liquids. A candy of this lineage he deserved a gold coating, and you'll hardly notice the metaphor in action: real gold is held, within the narrative, precisely because of its preciousness told by the invasive gas released from a musical 'bribed orchestra, and just imagine blindatissimi Cash vans whizzing at night on the main Italian motorway direct to the headquarters of major financial institution not to ferry gold reserves, but large supplies of Ferrero Rochet. Gold, still gold lights greedy eyes of modern seekers, intenti ancora a sterminare popolazioni innocenti e a setacciare corsi d'acqua fangosi, anche se al posto delle Indie e dell'Alaska, dei vasti orizzonti e della guerra d'espansione, esaurito ormai il territorio, resta il confine interno: la famiglia, i rapporti interpersonali, persone speciali in giorni speciali decretati da una gerarchizzazione top-down. Ferrero scaglia contro alle mura del consumatore sotto assedio i cadaveri di alcuni dei suoi caduti per abbatterne il morale, ecco apparire la nonna canuta e la nipotina bionda, spiacciate sulla trasparente parete televisiva, mentre una pergamena legata alle salme consegna a ripetizione le indicazioni del copy: prodotto speciale, per persone speciali, in un giorno speciale. Preparato il terreno con queste scandalose moral guidance, the speaker and rears with a miracle of ballistics gives the "him" to the product, personified (ie projecting on the listener), and hitting the "heart" as mentioned consciousness, alluding all'elettività monogamous relationship, which you want super-partes, motivated by feelings inexpressible ties to every need and expediency (as if it were inevitable constraints of living), making short, the couple's relationship status and archetypal supernatural. You must judge the previous experience (in life you can delight in the many ") to justify the occupation of an exclusive impromptu (but only one steals your heart"). This gigantic hypocrisy founded the family intended to generate exactly the cannon fodder of psychiatry, children of couples in crisis, or uniforms, but basically the children of couples who, beyond dell'umanissima fear of loneliness, had no real reason for being. The industry (and entertainment) to take charge of the grounds of the family clearly indicates the lack of autonomy is the same, and that the failure of some motivation to the actual necessity of the same. That the industry is concerned about social generate edifying allegories hazelnut praline This clearly indicates that the object of which we speak has a concrete future in the literature only in the media. The industry on perched fundamental institutions society by making a casting which favors a poor man's face, a glimpse of "reality" that sweetened the fate of the housewife prone, until then, to imagine Clooney's face superimposed over that of their men to regard it as a good sexual partner , This clearly indicates the lack of citizenship from the society of the spectacle of reality. You can not sell or advertise normalcy, stability, freedom of thought or other intangible assets that do not require the purchase of a product, but a real solid company behind it, because such a society would not need these comforting pretense, and Look at the product for what it's worth: the social time necessary to produce it. Would not serve extra time to describe, recommend or magnify: further delay would only be a loss, not a sound investment in a community that is not a slave of self built simultaneously at the end of consumerism and a half to get nothing but himself. And here is the love that transformed into a feeling capitals, then to a recognizable commodity, it will be available to all the poor of the world, willing to give a few sentences lapidary redemption of vacuous proof of purchase of concrete love exclusive property, in a final and devastating interpersonal marketing, permeable to every suggestion, and available, the nature of the market in need of primates and fetishes, even more terrible conflict, even in the inner sanctum of the phenotypes of the union intended to perpetuate the species. That very possessive of the heinous crimes of passion killer, as studied in clinical cases belong to the extraordinary journalistic pamphlet itchy, but which are deliberately overlook the real advocated large-scale, as if the fact that they are already guaranteed under the eyes of all that also are interpreted correctly by all.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Cyclomaniacs Unblocked

Casalinga Ridens

afterlife the soul of Pythagoras winces at the memory of the legendary blacksmith shop moving davanti alla quale gli apparve chiara la vocazione razionale della natura; alla fierezza del virile artigiano, eternato nell'atto di percuotere barre metalliche di diverse lunghezze traendone note di diversa altezza (assieme a maestose nuvole di scintille), vedrebbe sostituita, in strana e moderna tunica, un esemplare di uxor casalinga ridens, e al suo occhio clinico non sfuggirebbe l'empiricità con cui vengono legate note diverse a vasetti tutti ugualmente ricolmi della salsa alimentare reclamizzata, e poi, in un blooper successivo, legate altre note in contrasto con le precedenti pur di estrapolare da quei cocci, a favor di telecamera, la linea di Jingle Bells. Senza contare che la frequenza di una nota generata da quello che viene chiamato "tubo risonante" should correspond to that for a quarter of the wavelength has exactly the height of the ogre, and then predictably more severe than that which accompanies the movements of suonatrice disturbing. At the collective toast, clinking his glass that casts out evil spirits and prevent them from entering the mouth open, and the shot glass on the fork, which draws attention before a speech silencing a boisterous crowd of invited too, is replaced with the 'chilling landscape of a deserted table on which the housewife, dressed in green as a significant tree decorating, exercising their skills as percussionist color, creating a simple melodic line that falsifies the pretext symphonic ambition shown in the opening spot. In the silence, harmonious, calm before the storm as it anticipates the Christmas gluttony, the model home boasts an eternal smile is not clear whether for pleasure or tension hysterical, and sways with the arm paralyzed in an unnatural position, not unlike tic what Marilyn Manson adopted in their video clips to convey an idea of \u200b\u200bpsychomotor instability. Unfortunately, in this case, the intent is not even remotely provocative policy cloying, the inexplicable loneliness of the protagonist together with surreal their activity, and claim there is absolutely trite deliver the image of the world super-organized home that does not spare its inhabitants, Judging from the disturbing psychological effects. The large quantity of seven jars of mayonnaise and promises a dramatic dinner on behalf of cholesterol, the only way out of a large number of guests who share the consumer, always leaving the possibility that what we are observing, not really both the dining room of a private home, but rather a cell containing psychiatric scene of horrible personal rituals. Lying on the table laden orgy we would see a novella Lady Bathory devoted to the opening of jars of virgins Calvé sprinkle with the contents of which in whole, in search of a questionable softening effect on the skin that give a beautiful, long-life.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Nimh Lsd Performance Review

Non è bello ciò che è brutto

is unlikely that after viewing this spot in frac dudes flock to buy the cosmetics advertised to earn the favor of the queen bee: put a man in front of a plate hair and a wrench and will not find a difference, leave this spot to a male audience and will not appear in the mechanized colorful parure foundation, but nuts and bolts of different sizes and length, electric heaters, tape looms and tablets polymer adhesive. From "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend" by Marilyn, through the "Material Girl" Madonna, format del musical di Broadway spettacolare, di per sé piuttosto obsoleto e polveroso, più che generare vero intrattenimento o riuscire nel suo effetto galvanizzante si fonda su un grande sottointeso: la presenza di un cospicuo pubblico che presenzia allo spettacolo dal vivo. Il mirabile ritrovato elettrotecnico che vede il logo aziendale alimentato da spina industriale omologata trifase a 380V risulta ridicolo come accentuazione visuale su teleschermo, ma impressiona lo spettatore che viene giocoforza catapultato dal divano casalingo alla poltroncina in velluto sintetico del teatro. Incapaci di raffigurare l'inconoscibile eterogeneità di un pubblico sparso accidentalmente sul territorio e raggiunto tramite ripetitori e decoder, lo staff creativo ha deciso di lasciarlo immerso in un'inquietante oscurità che fa sospettare l'inevitabile: che quel teatro sia drammaticamente deserto. La bionda non più giovanissima appare affannata a farsi valere sulla ribalta non come performer artistica, portatrice di doti elettive, ma come protagonista indiscussa che necessita unicamente della giusta scenografia (e di qualche sparuto passo di danza) per conquistare secondo un principio di autoevidenza. È la summa della consumatrice mediocre, un confortevole modello a portata di mano per chi ama la scorciatoia, sorretto da un'efficace pettinatura, uno smaliziato rapporto con la controparte maschile (inevitabilmente molteplice ed adorante), e infine, speculativamente parlando, sorretta dalla propria capacità di interagire con aesthetics as a technical tool needed to pursue their own ends. In the dark, in denial that extends to everything that is not the fifth, the femme fatale who looks more abandoned underlined, and the illusion of motion fails to reduce the harshness of the instantaneous moments contained in each shot: the beauty embodied as effect of a controlled process (through cosmetics and spectacle) is deteriorating more and more as it moves away from his vocation of biological integrity, and manifests itself explicitly as a social convention. A feminine exchange that would certainly not be more true by virtue of any personal neglect, but that shot a thousand in a short film commercial between glitter and paiette, located in the countenance of the elderly protagonist is the point of contact with their target identification that the contradiction of the (fleeting as it is discriminatory and should consider) elective property of beauty itself, dazzling even when caught accidentally in through traffic with one click stolen, self-sufficient, the more disturbing since it is surrounded by shame. Poverty is symbolic of the spot as a whole (the ostentation of the product, the slavish identification with a target no longer young, vaguely iconography brothels, the final slogan relating to a category of love that clashes with the image of reckless eater of men and makes it seem vaguely ipocrita tutta la disibinizione della premessa) si potrebbe semplicemente ricondurre ad una vocazione low-cost del vero e proprio prodotto. Ulteriore controprova potrebbe essere quel maniglione antipanico difettoso che voi, spettatori imprigionati nell'oscurità di questo incubo da Bagaglino, spingete disperatamente per uscire e respirare un'aria più aperta e meno anglofona, salvo udire un inquietante crescendo d'archi dissonanti e trovare davanti a voi, illuminato in controluce, uno spettrale Johnny Dorelli armato di motosega che vi inseguirà per le vie di New York.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bosch Dishwasher Wiring Diagram

E se ti dico di buttarti a fiume?

L'energia dell'errore supera qualsiasi consapevolezza, and so it happens that within the witty ambiguities that would, in the economy of exchange in a spot, conscious and functional, you can find the typical discrepancies of belief systems autoingerenti suspiciously. Putting aside the fortuitous coincidence between the name of the company and the "fruit of sin," symbolizing the offering, subject in turn further strangled in visual metaphor ruddy-shaped decoration is intended to suffer the same fate in the progenitor of the symbol savaged her coming, we like to read between the lines the power of ritual santificatorio confirmed by his masterful side effect, the institutionalization of failure, the superb dichotomous polarization and a priori, the quadrature the angularity of the circle that leads to cardinal principles of human weakness and biological largely predictable, the Mobius strip that reconciles opposites but tragically finds herself forced to provide, together with negligible positive indication that we may summarily headings as "virtue", the real engine marketing spiritual Western sin. No one is surprised if the Christmas cornucopia represented here by a comely consumer looking for beauty products, life-giving useful remedy for the austerity of the winter period, will then be contrasted, in the spring, blaming the effective mechanism of Pentecost, with the tragic story of , sadistic centurions, the fetish hidden cruciform, total recall Easter who like a good thriller resumed at the foot of Golgotha \u200b\u200balternates violence, betrayal, and intrigue, culminating with the final special fx. You can only take note of the crystalline dogmatic approach admirably summed up the episode of the Tree of Knowledge, lusted after by the mother of mankind, in the Old Testament, and approached by a stratospheric notice in slip, to shoot commercial replica built by some repressed transgressive thousand years later: the pilfered possession of free will has annihilated the possibility that man can have direct access to the divine, and not just because the master of puppets hidden behind the tetragrammaton severe as we are told, pedagogical e vendicativo. Non perché alla maggioranza dei credenti serva davvero un principio metafisico sul quale fondare le proprie sicurezze, una riserva di "verità" accessibile solo ad intermediari ai quali rivolgersi nel momento in cui le proprie energie risultino insufficienti. Ma perché una comprensione così profonda delle istanze dell'uomo ha fornito un'invidiabile passpartout psicologico a chi è stato in grado di fiutare l'affare: poco conta per il fedele se un intero pezzo di aldilà (nella fattispecie il Limbo) venga cancellato con un colpo di spugna dalla burocrazia ecclesiastica in epoca contemporanea, visto che al singolo viene fornito già un tipo di counselling individuale, mirato, identitario, stabilizzante, funzionale ed utile in everyday life, regardless of the ancient mezzuccio extortion of bonus / malus post-mortem used to impress the most fearful. The housewife in the mood to be nice and maybe even cornificare her husband, thanks to that bright lipstick on offer, the number written in big bites, 50% ulnar (and reading the information you find apply only to expenditure in excess of 400 €) so similar to the "then we repent!" used as a final argument by Melandri in my friends, to crown the end of a busy courting reluctant parishioner facing a seemingly indifferent to all worldly argument. Block transferred responsibility for their actions to a black hole that incorporates mythological good and evil, that free will contradictions of fact goes from being a personal matter to be granted to bribe extortion of awareness, and clear it does not stop the world of ideas. The human greed has had all the time, oltretevere, to build a business empire that owns a quarter of Italian Real Estate, has direct access to the conditioning of the young by the presence in education, takes advantage of facilities and opportunities facilitated by the contribution of citizens, does practically everything that would make a state religion, with the embarrassing contradiction of not being officially such. The choice is yours, let groped by the fifty-fifty Pascal and receive the coupon to the cashier, or jump into the Arno as the architect Melandri, once discovered that the rational removal was very much coveted cheaper than it seemed, and perhaps it is better to save their precious mementos, before the passing of becoming whole take away with itself.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Watch P90x Dvd Online Free

Presepio telematico

collapsed to the ground after a devastating collision with a lorry load of new cars to be delivered to an unknown dealer, the next pressure drop for internal bleeding might seem dictated by the visions occurred state of shock. Quell'assicurazione we did call, of course, will help us to overcome the time, and that armored SUV dangling from the railing of steel no rush on him, whether we have sufficient confidence in the symbols by which we are imbued. The phone, equipped with quell'appeal a little 'retro handset that rewards in organic design, with wheels so that it is well to remind the customer of the car by compulsory insurance for civil liability (means of transport now on fire middle of the road) also give an idea of \u200b\u200bdynamism, which concerns the electronic version: fast as thought, telephoning us from having to bring us directly to a physical entity insurance commendable application of technology that reduces the costs and (perhaps) provide a much more efficient customer service. In principle, the idea is beneficial and meritorious, and follows the trend of dematerialization of goods and relationships, the only revolutionary aspect of globalization that still dreams of a supposed technological progress made buffalo mozzarella that they speed up to 300 per hour onerous high-speed rail lines. The immanence of the RCA is a fine show in the episodic sequence that sees the poor human swarm around the massive totem-car phone, busy from time to time in the comic series that serve as useful illustrative caption for the concepts exposed by the voice-over. All gags except one: the words "saving is a snap" the child simulating a fatal crash between two cars toy, but we can do, the inevitable paw pessimistic, however disguised, is the leitmotif of insurance marketing, we regret that only seconds after they have been cut, and do not see the dead toy, perimeters from the usual shapes in plaster lying on the red carpet awaiting the findings of the coroner toy. The holidays bring optimism and Directline off balance, carve out a space between the panettone and luxury perfumes to warn that she will make us a gift with a special promotion, where we'll give his services. The common thread of transitivity is what begs the dissonance between an essential service, the Christmas period, a valid excuse for buying gifts all the more rewarding the more exquisitely frivolous. It is always just a matter of habit and gradually, these words have little meaning when taken back to the cones without ration cards and logo of a pound of sugar and coffee-table done for the black market. Nasty fall style final, the wish directly to the listener, a kind of pre-industrial exaggerated confidence that the company wants in one piece and moralized in a silly principle of good neighborly by dissociation of mind: we are worth because we are beautiful , good, good, kind to children and full of tidbits for those of your pets to which small privately grumble nomignoli imbarazzanti. Addirittura grottesca la presenza dei due sposini sotto alla nevicata digitale, viene da domandarsi se il bue e l'asinello, lasciati fuori campo unicamente per un rinsavimento in extremis del regista, stiano danneggiando la scenografia a suon di potenti zoccolate, eccitati dal colore rosso delle pareti. Ma queste sono soltanto immagini che hanno attraversato la vostra mente prima che arrivasse l'ambulanza, ora potete stare tranquilli nell'imbottitura di seta a raso, mentre una musica d'organo vi circonda e una voce accorata sembra leggere un passo dalla Lettera agli Efesini. Ah dimenticavo, vi eravate ricordati di assicurare la vostra anima?

Monday, December 14, 2009

Bangalore To Ooty By Train

Destinazione rogo

Dry your tears caused ineffable charisma comic pupone national consensus strategists the dark, thanks to this exercise of disarming humor, you have already created a defense in the initial hypothesis that guides all of the spot: it is impossible to be altruists. The "what if" Totti comes to us with open arms by virtue of a vaunted authenticity of the testimonial, but it should not affect us, since even if true should be taken at the height of goodness, as likely as trapped in 'verifying the oxymoron-falsifying television representation. This mutation unreal Atletico player in the traditional fat giver of gifts to one side provokes hilarity to the form in which it is proposed, on the other communicates the disenchantment of selfishness that does not take family-type if we were not testimonial of success, and it does not take altruistic as the horrific course of morphological testimonials the "this is admittedly great," conjectured by the authors of the cards on spot, relegating not only the identification with Santa Claus in the world of the impossible, but also the gesture dell'augurio telephone Christmas, annual and heavy social toll that must be exorcised in order to place the product advertised. In other words a millionaire footballer and his wife appeared rebuilt until the day before yesterday in miniskirts to tell the man in the street Iene who want to greet all of you should be super-heroes cleared away this heavy guilt budget, you can at least buy a good package of phone bills to settle social obligation. You do not see why else the buyer would need a pair of glittering testimonial overpaid to establish the intimate complicity trying to clear the distance between showbiz and our multibillion-dollar phone call to her grandmother rite. In a flash of lucidity the fake Santa Claus complains about not being able to deliver a true dinosaur to a child who has asked: With mouth open and intelligent expression Ilary sketches while back to cake sweep the floor to be confused with the common housewife. Your wife to Iene Show, there may have overlooked, in the television schedule? He showed a nipple on live television pheromones causing uproar in all the "brain in the tank" tied to, or whatever is a nullity, or was it Marcuzzi? The shadow of the now huge belly Totti Christmas does not obscure these questions that you should respond in order to determine once and for all your successful ethics of the couple. Soak in the natural masochistically dell'idiot savant, who came from the people and retrace your steps with books of jokes after an initial period of misunderstanding for a world of information relevant to their defects in the facade. Impotent in the face of voracità del pubblico per modelli nei quali potersi spensieratamente identificare, Francè ha abbattuto quella sottile membrana di privacy e pudore per i propri limiti consapevolmente interiorizzati. Le cronache raccontano che Buffalo Bill, ancora in vita, passò dall'essere un vero cowboy ad interpretare se stesso creando uno spettacolo teatrale chiamato Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, dato che risultava più redditizio che continuare la vera vita di cacciatore al soldo dell'Esercito o della compagnia ferroviaria. Non c'è pericolo che allo scattare dell'Epifania il numero 10 sia costretto a vedere la propria dolce metà bruciare arsa viva in qualche piazza medievale della penisola, ideale martire del valore di scambio, vittima sacrificale di un impossibile ri-trasporto dalla finzione al reale che vuole messi sullo stesso piano dèi, simboli, vip e archetipi favolistici. Così come non c'è pericolo che l'aderenza dello spettatore al calco d'identità così proditoriamente diffuso sortisca una trasformazione dello stesso nell'icona stereotipata servita su uno schermo d'argento con iterazione brutale: a vincere è solo il prodotto, movente insostituibile e unico tassello mancante per far esaurire la tensione pubblicitaria e scacciare dalla nostra mente l'inquietante idea di poter vivere anche per fare del bene.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Barefoot Wrestling Pe

International Kontrol External Association

La magia del Natale non riguarda solo qualche anecdote took place in Bethlehem with the three colorful monarchs pledged to bring the baby nougat. Variations on this theme include unlikely Christmas Indoors Beach, which is proposed as declared by surprise by the derailment of a gray criminal calendar too addicted to the truth solar. The CIA manual on the exploitation of human resources, published in the 80s and later declassified and are now easily found on the internet, you can read that as torture or physical pain is real important to establish an environmental control on the prisoner to extrapolate what imposition of interest (in the situation there dashed): information, data, facts. Prisoners of marketing, in this spot, live a detention on the contrary, they are asked not to tell the truth, but to dream, and for this weather the external environment is suspended only for them, in a room warm and protected the bearer of joy and satisfaction, inversion stage of the idea of \u200b\u200bindoor / outdoor. But in the world of the imagination not only speaks of a good heating system to avoid freezing it is necessary that a mother wearing a sheath dress with circle motifs optical, which is sent twice a generational shift, it is useful to show a short 'super-family that makes this pendant with heat generated by the boilers of the business, as in multiple-choice quiz was passed by a majority the idea Christmas surfer. To move from the heaviness of the Baroque taste for simple lines and modern IKEA, very useful to the containment spaces at baling, which corresponds to a net gain in the production segment, you must fully confess this paradigm shift and address the thorny issue the concept of normality. Family never saw more desperately normal within capitalist social-furnished rooms with "innovative" variety of design for all: as in the Addams family friendly show, once you change the taste of the context is bound to field a linear stabilizing roles and behaviors: Morticia is still composed of a mother and loving, Uncle Fester is fun for the kids, Gomez is histrionic and full of initiative, Cousin Hit by long-haired dog, it becomes that pet which, according to any master, lacking only, and inevitably, the word. The revolutionary element is not absolutely the best at the edges of entertaining fiction, because ultimately, that will threaten or allure, the CIA wants you the same thing: that you work for them. Printed copy of the peremptory strikes to full screen, "there is only one you'll want to stay" does not imply either a state of free will. The use of the definite article, which aims to indicate the specific item to buy, no longer appears as an option ma come "predizione" di un dato di fatto destinato a verificarsi aldilà della volontà dello spettatore, inesorabilmente. Un futuro prossimo fatto di necessità e contingenza, svestito da ogni mascheramento che ci parli di prestazione di servizio o vantaggiosa opportunità fra le altre: se lo vorrai domani, hai già deciso in questo momento, all'atto della visione. In tale prospettiva la nudità dell'iper-famiglia appare sotto una luce ben più inquietante, così come l'espediente del materasso sostituito alla sdraio su un bagnasciuga, presente solo nell'immaginazione del sorridente padre di famiglia: nudi per necessità, si convincono di essere nudi per scelta solo perché hanno al collo una corona di fiori. Un simbolo well-being unelected, since its value is declared from time to time within a strict script for reference.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Internal Error , Software Exception C00000005

Alla gente piace vedere la faccia di Briatore

evidently not yet sanctioned by the tastes of the audience, the pathetic saga of the pair of billionaires forced the use of a product for everyone, but only limited to the phone, pursues for its deleterious underlie implicit glorification of the powerful figure who wants only carnival sick of megalomania and gigantism, but unable to have a dark side that also affect those who are much poorer Briatore. And here is shown in the crib home seen through the eyes of the powerful psychology of impotence, a comedian here temporarily vector materialism paroxysmal increasing volumes and proportions, while remaining politically correct, not even for a moment, pointing to a much more human self destruction told by a great moral and material representations of Shakespeare, by history and news. Panariello which bowed to a Florentine accent we replaced a Carmelo Bene, which certainly would have swallowed genuine banknotes from 5 € to vomit on the lens of the camera yelling "Hamlet" with a grammelot hell. The "blank check" trivial commonplace of sublime plasticity of money, suitable for business to achieve unlimited budget as final demonstration of will power, we replaced clouds of cocaine along with guns fired from the ashes of Hunter S. Thompson. The steep decline of the power, behind the facade of a harmless parody, is not only saved but effectively mystified, and the desire to feel the VIPs seated on the couch next to us, for obvious inferiority complex, provides opportunities for tricksters replicate and worsen the trend. Decked out in red as a entreneuse, and fitted with heavy gold chandelier earrings, the girlfriend never officially vivacchia the edge of the saucy opulence, displaying a sympathy that distance, but by suggesting that the obscene implications see ethereal compliant. The whole paraphernalia sparigliato Christian is at the foot of the mighty, who runs a company of actors in a desperate attempt to find within itself a justification otherworldly hedonism, or at least a romantic justification mantles of nobility obscure manifestation of meanness inside walls, as majestically extended, closed to sharing with the outside world. Matrona and powerful can not do anything but appalled by the fruits of escalation materialistic, unable to produce even a good joke, hardly a good affordable, as it requires presence of mind and a bit of ethics. Who knows what to think about the real Briatore, and defecates like all other human beings on a toilet in gold, death to see who advances in deeper wrinkles and destined to win it on your make-up artist. Mindful of how the cathedrals of Europe were built thanks to the market in indulgences, and unconsciously accustomed to complacency, certainly lives in the belief that a phone call to Bonolis enough to earn a place in heaven.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

How Can I Bring Up My Baby's Phlegm

Faccia d'ananas

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Er Cream, youth and abandoned race track, emerges from a history of popular cinema and television host for the role of the comic next door. While the recruitment of a topos of the everyday aimed at creating a profitable gap between the world of entertainment and its consumers, on the other, in a nuclear-free society family, a gesture of good-neighborly too like the one told by the very spot now belongs to an exceptional interpersonal, to a desire cohesion that is necessary to embalm in the proposed commercial film that is essential to add furnishings psychological listeners disinclined to the consumption of a foodstuff without any connotation of empathy. To defend the poor little hungry and forced to a dessert of luck, a blond angel of the hearth fitted with golden curls. Driven away from the historic telecast, Antonella Clerici, positive advocate of the disastrous battle on the western complex thin women, no more waiting if no cores and stuff to the sounds of detailed geographic meta pitted with quiet ferocity of trade, changes in the space of a second from a mother to effective telecasalinga extra -contextual. Who among us does not happen to have to re-establish family relationships in the very tiring day of Christmas, and what can allude the tiny dish of welcome on steroids if not for the processing of their loved ones to strangers, because of overwhelming need to work, weakening of the institution itself to being changed and more content procreative impulses? The table continues despite everything and to clip the wings of a drive to the pleasure and the food per se, even inside the jar lies a medicinal properties. Refined to the limits of hypocrisy, a very human burp burst in the frame of an effective television scandalous sign reading key visceral useful to those who need a humiliating Pedagogy of the orifices. Frustration of a drive youth to change that foreshadows necessary collateral damage, the dessert good for the digestion of the elderly and dysfunctional inform potential buyers is a real plus of the product, the senility of the population as a whole. Antonella sfodererà a cordless tuned with the nearest police station, where alla porta si presenti non uno strafamoso attore comico, ma una vera compagine di svantaggiati. Clandestini costaricani giunti all'uscio dell'abitazione-polis per reclamare il vero prezzo di quei deliziosi frutti giunti alla tavola del consumatore ottuagenario grazie ai motori diesel di massicci aerei da trasporto che fanno la spola lungo la geodetica. Non basterà ricacciare indietro diseredati e càrpi, tornando a masticare carruba per concludere il proprio pasto con la sensazione di dolce. Uno schieramento di armati lungo il confine sparerà raffiche di mitra e lancerà fumogeni all'indirizzo di ananas giganti ormai concreto incubo dell'invasione barbarica, e antonellina, algida combattente impiegata alla cucina da campo, alla vista di un Montesano trasfugo enemy soldier not flaunted the exotic fruit, but a fragmentation grenade, similar to that in the conformation of the surface, but much less suitable for food.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Belated Anniversary Wishes To Both Of U..

Discoteca permanente

The years pass, the Christmases are repeated and if we omit the calculation of the minor differences due to the rotation of the Earth, according to what is called precession of the equinoxes, we can say that what happens now with some regularity. Son of art and selling out to the popular comedy not for lack of interpretative skills, but for the adoption of simplistic scripts, the photocopy of a great actor also denies the very short term ambition of human genetics as a tool to control the destiny of individuals, creating gags for not only not to stay in time, but rather with quell'intrinseca obsolescence that attempts to strip the comedy and become instinct laughter reflex, vacuous pastime visual repetition of clichés exploited, rather than archetypal, reiterating the obvious to loosen the tension of psychology no longer capable of harmonious laughter which reconciles with the limits in search of the village idiot hysterical derision excellent valve vent represented by male clubbers who nightmare habitat found at the same time artistic eternal prison. At the side of beef Italian doc useful to make it look less rough all his heteronyms listening, located in the ultra-luxury dens of decadence by heavy dancehall extended to 24 hours of life, the necessary female prey. Lip disproportionate and ill-concealed complicity with the awkwardness of the male is very little on speed, the soubrette, exceeded the roles that have eroded and overexposed lowering the role of inanimate doll, participate and is offered as the only holds the camera while leaving the question , besides the sad look, a letter published in the national press with which he recounted his difficulties lifetime to be able to get permission to stay in Italy in the early years of his career. The foreign accent is the eternal functional cinepanettoni routine, the exoticism of traits and voice perpetuates the trademark of a handful of thirty dodger who are anti-social humor, making melody to the antiquated fetish erotica reckless adventure, the carpe diem consumerism, a and finally coming arrivistico childish prank that connects the external forms of killing that the humor itself, capable of much greater depth, when the authors choose it as a good channel narrative. Nothing will be overflowing with girls in the parade choreography for their simple visual inevitably become extra-diegetic: not justified in the frame ornament, not the construction of a show slavishly Christmas but outside, the eye of the avid viewer of the Feast of friction on your hardened heart to the rest of propaganda. Grotesque example of unconscious life to the limit this false hysteria leaves the viewer to a hasty choice: become attached to a model of actor antithetical disastrously flawed, or hoped that the fall off is providentially been hidden by the snow on a boulder, causing the character that will prevent a concussion of performing in the next spot. But December is still long, the machine will continue and sooner or later she will be conquered, kissed, forgotten, in favor of the next front in the market.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Table Made Out Of A Tree

Sky or die

By now everyone knows by now even the most casual viewer, the skilled electrical welding everything in its intent that only listens to the audio regardless of the television images, he realized a some pernicious new revolution coming. It seems to us to see him light up a Havana with a € 500 note, Rupert Murdoch, with his shoes on the desk and a cluster of communication experts who try to convince him of a further spin-off of the frenzied pounding communication campaign aimed to warn and persuade the audience of the need for a subscription to the new service with very high resolution. Now sick, of course he accepts whatever the offer, simply by threatening that if sales do not grow a few heads will drop before taking off the robe and physically dive into a sea of \u200b\u200bhard currency. So, before you take in December, a new haunting spot of Sky fills the air. The vastness of the audience requires fleeing from religious symbols, the same Santa Claus, a land owner of The Coca Cola Company, must be left in peace. Generic traits appear snowy landscape, wildlife forest recklessly enticed by the marketing ramifications of humanoid, colorful snowmen polluted and a multitude of tiny gnomes useful to emphasize the enormity of monitor necessario a fruire del segnale High Definition. Ma quello che infastidisce di più è la tormentante voce bianca che con l'indefessa caparbietà di un cantante olimpionico ripete un blando motivo natalizio facendo vibrare la propria ugola non meno dei nervi auditivi degli ascoltatori. C'è da augurarsi che possegga almeno parte delle royalties di quella maledetta registrazione, che ci si possa pagare un ottimo appartamento nel campus universitario una volta sopravvenuta l'adolescenza, o che almeno abbracci la classica vita dissoluta da star prematura, fatta di droga e sesso mercenario, conversione a Scientology, disintossicazione, depauperazione e auto-annichilimento. Per il momento il suo compito ineluttabile è di lanciare lo spot come un giavellotto che centra il senso d'inferiorità di tutti i non-HD, per un Natale della diseguaglianza e di un adombrato upgrade tecnologico che coincida con il rituale della santificazione del consumo. Il tempo fugge, se tutti voi non acquisterete subito il servizio, Rupert guarderà sconsolato i grafici delle vendite, licenzierà i suoi art director, e ne assumerà di nuovi e più agguerriti, già nella seconda settimana di dicembre. Dal jet privato confermerà con noncuranza qualsiasi cosa gli venga proposta, buttando giù un whisky on the rocks, tra una telefonata a un capo di Stato all'altro, determinando quale nuova ammorbante non-tema debba essere dato in pasto alle masse. Comprate questo maledetto HD, o quando sentirete bussare alla vostra port do not be surprised to see the anguished old man, with power to appropriate uniform technocrat Maoist neck, into your living room with a handful of heads of leather sadistically to ask why do not yet have an HD monitor, but warned him there, tell off his cigar on your family photos, and raising an eyebrow, will allow your payment and hope that the crime has wide impact on public opinion. What that effect sortista reclamizzante final pursued for a lifetime in his sleepless nights. No more pictures and tunes, but lead directly into your skull, the weapon of war against conviction and final trade-discounted, the Board for purchases caliber .9 nevertheless still unable to interact with the metaphysical constructs of which you can equip yourself, even now, and forever. Sky or die.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Clindamycin Erythromycin

Favola non contagiosa

Since any market area is obliged to advertise the appropriate, the use of this barbarous practice brazen see at least the social communication also subject to the same rules, for good and evil. Decimated by road accidents and alcohol abuse, citizens have the opportunity to observe this doll in vogue many years ago, exhumed from the fantasy short of arguments of some pompous official, intent to dispense advice how to protect themselves from a dangerous disease. After a first spot, we are already at an early sequel, caused by an apparent flop of sage advice dispensed by rodent foam: no deaths from influenza A, there was a shortage, but enough of an appeal of the testimonial. Despite the efforts of the voice actor, and animated by imitation black erased from view in the background, the audience "naive" does not have properly understood the need to purchase this new product and product speak necessarily, although it is a vaccine. Because someone is gaining. Because other causes of death and illness, much more rooted and devastating, they are silent in media outlets. Hence the need a message reinforced. Gigio, torn from the ancient script that saw him free and speak with the carefree world of humans, forced to approach the background of the theater to allow it to be properly contextualized in terms of vision, has taken the field, and placed in a kind of Office dell'USSL miniature struggles like any other civil servant, tinkering with DIY tools, graphics and desktop computer, macabre symbolic return of fire which could cause the viewer the mental engagement in the world of bureaucracy, labor, having institutionalized. With that thin little voice, apparently stolen from a Luciano Onder that a DJ has decided to turn 45 instead that at 33 rpm, the poor mouse regimented no longer able to express any truth in the form of fairy tale, and then finds himself forced into a humiliating role as a new piece of reality disguised as a fable, reminiscent of Disney characters who abuse anti-Hitler propaganda Nazi '40s, intent to dispense advice, to reel off figures and impacts of the pseudo-plague with listeners bored. The adult will underestimate this public official of the piece, the child can at best understand the nonverbal language of the character on, ready for a moment to become a cheerleader chilling threat of germ carrying a ladder over his head a triangular mo 'with a capital letter. Even a child would understand, through threatening those hieroglyphs which are words and characters that blacks and fatal diseases enumerated reminder of future disasters, that the goodness of the little mouse was prostituted to some superior will, sadistic intent to do business on fear. Rewarded by indifference, the audience, for once, was not willing to yield to persuasion, thousands of bulbs filled with the balm of salvation remain in their containers, and occasionally some doctors overlook embarrassed to explain to the panel television , calm, but very professionally embroidered on the big implied a real threat to our existence. We, the future deaths of road accident or mistake at work, mettiamo la peste accanto ai surplus merceologici, i biglietti d'auguri con suoneria incorporata, i copricellulari in gomma, i preservativi profumati, le promesse elettorali. Salvati dal nichilismo, una volta tanto, perderemo l'occasione di una dipartita alla moda, restando incatenati alla routine.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Kates Playround The Rabbit

Per un pulito che uccide

Sul remake del pezzo “Fever” di Sarah Vaughan, lo spot della DeLonghi delinea uno spaccato casalingo distopico, e in quanto tale, perverso. Potremmo catalogarlo assieme a tutti gli altri spot in cui la piacevolezza del vivere in un'abitazione pulita e ordinata si tramuta nell'ossessione per la pulizia: quella delle case iperigienizzate, delle case-ospedali, i non luoghi dei nostri peggiori incubi.
In un ambiente dove pareti eccessivamente bianche e riflettenti appiattiscono qualsiasi calore umano, e i soggetti animati hanno valenza di componenti d'arredo, non c'è da sorprendersi se gli unici indizi di vita vissuta siano i resti delle patatine disseminati sul pavimento.
Ma ad inorridire lo spettatore con un minimo di sensibilità è l'essere biomeccanico dalle sembianze femminili che sia aggira per casa con fare minaccioso, imbracciando, a mo' di bazooka, una scopa elettrica, la sua naturale estensione fisica. Siamo di fronte a un terminator in gonna, camicia e gilet: rappresenta il trinomio madre-moglie-bella donna in carriera.
Se lavatrice, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, have allowed contemporary women emancipation from the most tiring and long housework, using the DeLonghi Columbine seems to sum up in himself the power and duty dichotomy. In fact, as the housewife bionic exercising power over her husband and little children, who still have the sofa with safety belts so as not to be drawn because of the power of the vacuum cleaner, the same home is required (almost to an unhealthy need) to exercise his duties as a "cleaning lady" whenever the crumbs fall to the ground, which is probably very common when you have very young children in the family.
But we like to think that everything can not be true, and especially should not be. We like to think that suddenly the vacuum cleaner is activated automatically through the blue flash of his eye Polyphemus and aspirations in a flurry sanitizing the ectoplasmic family, caught unprepared for the terrible event, as they would in a review of the film Ghostbusters. At this point can only hope that the bag tightly closed in commonly goes though, because everything is recyclable in the compost to form excellent breeding ground for our gardens. The flowers thank you.
the background of a utopian future in which will be dismantled nuclear weapons is still the benchmark that, in any case, the conflicts there are and will always be evil or good that needs to be changed the rules of engagement and the means of offense and defense. We are confident that if the third world war (in the absence of existing weapons of mass destruction) will be fought with the Magimix Columbine, the fourth will be with cold steel, with sturdy brooms and wooden pallets, with all due respect for those who will not be provided with of these technological wonders.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Stomach Cramp Positions


Morte: Emanuele Tenderini

ehhh già...mi dispiace per i milioni di fan che seguivano le disavventure del nostro improbabile figlio di puttana...
Nuove avventure, nuove sfide mi attendono, sono costretto a chiudere il blog di questa merda umana con la speranza, magari un giorno, di vederlo soffrire da qualche altra parte!

Braccio di Culo è stato bello fottermi tua madre!...è tutto quello che sono in grado di dire.

Sono triste. Ma anche contento che quel miserabile essere, sia sotterrato, finalmente, sotto terra, con le merde dei vermi, unici suoi veri amici.


(mi scuso con gli sceneggiatori che mi avevano spedito nuove strip da disegnare..ma proprio non ce l'ho fatta..avanzate, almeno, un disegno di braccio...la prossima volta che ci vediamo! ;) )

Lasciate pure i vostri messaggi di cordoglio...

PS. Se volete una seria e chiara motivazione: quest'anno ho firmato un bel po' di contratti per editori Francesi che mi impegneranno moltissimo, nel disegno e nel colore, per tutto l'anno.
Non avrei tempo di follow proper attention to the blog, and make me piss off those blogs that wither and die slowly ... so I think it is better to close.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Music Bloods Crips Episode South Park

ARM Proverbs 3!

Texts and Drawings: Emanuele Tenderini

And finally we came to this strip so much earned rest!
blog closes for the summer, and invite you to visit in September!
There are still many strips to read, thanks especially to David and Giorgio Rigamonti Salati that they sent me a lot 'of material to draw!

See you in September !!!!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

How Many Calories In A Cup Of Tea


Ricevo talmente tanti omaggi che ha volte qualcuno me lo perdo per strada, e addirittura arrivo a dimenticarmi il nome di chi me l'ha spedito...
Ecco a voi un potpourri di omaggi raccolti in questi mesi!
Per un paio di questi ho, appunto, perso l' "etichetta", pregherei gli autori dei medesimi di segnalarmi i loro nomi! :D

Testi e Disegni: Dario Grillotti

Testi e Disegni: Piero Ruggeri

Design: ?

Tribute (page one of his comics):
Ilaria Catelani

Texts and Drawings (after a day in Venice with the high water!) Andrea Riccadonna

Design: ?

Tribute to BOB: Ivan Annibali

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Reverse Hypopigmentation

Potpourri I did not expect!

Texts and Drawings: Emanuele Tenderini

Thursday, July 9, 2009

How To Get Ho -oh In Silver


Texts and Drawings: Luca Esposito

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Gnawing Pain In Lower Back Back And Hip

Lyrics: Fabrizio Capigatti - Drawings: Emanuele Tenderini

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Inbetween Finger Tattoo


A tribute to the King of Pop by Frederick Toffano:

Text and drawings: Federico Toffano

Monday, June 29, 2009

Diagram On How To Make A Motorized Toy Boat

The weekend in Paris went to great . Alex and I have signed the contract for "gods", our next publishing project Home editrce ANKAMA . Of course, the shocking news of the death of Michael Jackson, which is under a duty to prepare a complimentary arm ass ... I invite you to follow in the coming hours, the minutes of the trip to Paris Blog Alex, meanwhile, public and another strip of the series: "ARM ASS WHAT IF IT WERE THE STARS IN THE FILM ..." this time it's COMMANDO :

Texts and Drawings: Emanuele Tenderini

Thursday, June 25, 2009

How To Make A Rhinocerous Cake


In simultaneously with the Blog KITCHEN HIGH :

Lyrics: Thomas Valsecchi - Drawings: Francesco Castelli

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Kates Playground At Forum


It 's done! It's official! Tomorrow I leave with Alex Crippa and go to Paris to sign a book deal with publisher ANKAMA, for our publishing project titled " OF .
well, what better time to celebrate the happy event with a pair of strip-themed "?... probably do not know the characters ... but you will learn to love them! :) ... That is, to love them, the three characters of " OF " non-arm's ass of course!

Lyrics: Alex Crippa - Drawings: Emanuele Tenderini

and another tribute ...

Texts and Drawings: Ivan Annibali

Monday, June 22, 2009

How Glue Car Upholstery

Lyrics: Fabrizio Capigatti - Drawings: Emanuele Tenderini

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tamiya Primer Drying Time


Texts and Drawings: Luca Esposito

Texts and Drawings: Emanuele Tenderini - INTEGRATION: Ivan Annibali

Monday, June 15, 2009

Aspsmartupload Latest


From an ancient Chinese proverb ...

Texts and Drawings: Emanuele Tenderini